Sofia Karyofilis

Jun 04, 2018Julia Kahrs

Sofia Karyofili's earliest memory of creating is the time she decorated her parents' bedroom wall with crayons when she was three years old. Now she lives in a forge at Blaker Skanse and has made a series of knobbed bowls under the title "Tripod" for Norway Designs NÅ Vol. 5 IDENTITY.

What kind of work do you create?
I mainly work sculpturally in metal, and then I do design projects like this in between.

What is your earliest memory related to art, or to creating something?
I decorated my parents' bedroom wall with crayons when I was approx. 3 years old.

What did you want to be as a child?

Did you grow up in a creative environment?
I went to Steinerskolen, so I was probably exposed to a wider range of creative subjects than I would have been in a public school.

When in life did you first learn about your field of work? What brought you there?
Blacksmithing was part of the timetable at the secondary school at Steinerskolen.

What is the best advice you have received?
Take one step at a time.

What does success mean to you?
Having the opportunity to create art over time.

What is your relationship with your material?
I have a close relationship with my material.

Tell us a little about your workplace!
I am lucky enough to rent the forge at Blaker Skanse in Sørum municipality. There are not many places to rent for this type of work, so me and the other two artists in the forge feel privileged to have found a place where we can rent over time. The forge is back after the department for shaping and product design at the University College in Akershus moved and became part of the University College in Kjeller.

Which object is your favorite out of everything you've made?
I believe that all the works have their place in the series of maintaining continuity and drive in the work, and in this way are dependent on each other. They are therefore all important in the big picture, while each work changes importance over time.

What is the most challenging thing about being your own boss?
That you are always at work. You never clock out, but at the same time have greater flexibility in everyday life.

Do you have any tricks or techniques that never fail if you need inspiration or to break out of routines?
To start working.

What is your relationship with Norway Designs?
A place that actively chooses to convey craftsmanship as part of the value of the finished products they offer the customer.

What expectations do you have for Norway Designs NÅ Vol. 5?
To be involved in something new.

Tell us a little about the items you are exhibiting in this year's exhibition.
I have made a series of small dishes that I have hammered out of copper plates.

Which identity do material and technique help to express?
The technique and material I have used I think refer to both resistance and modelability.

Is there one or more identities that are reflected through your work?
There are more.

You can read more about the project Norway Designs NOW here .

Read more about Tripod.

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