Nov 14, 2019
A poinsettia like this fits perfectly on top of the Christmas tree, but can also...
Nov 14, 2019
Here's a classic paper project that everyone should know. The star originated in Germany, and...
Nov 14, 2019
This beautiful paper star is easy to make, but requires precision. The star is folded...
Jun 18, 2019
How to make Paper Flower Peon. The equipment you need is: * 4 pieces of paper in size 10x10cm with a thickness of around 80 grams * 3 pieces of paper in size 6x6cm with a thickness of around 80 grams * A good pair of scissors * A brush with a round handle * Wooden bead with holes. Diameter 1cm * Flower wire 30-40cm long. Thickness approx. 0.9mm * Awl * Washi tape Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Buy online:
Jun 12, 2019
STEP 1: Print this template. STEP 2: Cut out the template and make 2 small holes in the template. STEP 3: Place template over paper (we have used A7 size) and mark holes and tip with pencil on colored paper. STEP 4: Cut off the tip and make a hole. STEP 5: Thread on a string.
Jun 04, 2019
Here we have created a simple recipe for how you can make a kirigami rose all by yourself. You don't need a lot of equipment and the variety options are only limited by your imagination.
May 28, 2019
Try your hand at this super simple and decorative paper flower. This is not advanced...
May 20, 2019
How to make paper flower fringe rose. The equipment you need is: * 1 paper in size 8x25cm with a thickness of around 200 grams * A good pair of scissors * A brush with a round handle * 2 wooden beads with holes. Diameter 1cm * Flower wire 30-40cm long. Thickness approx. 0.9mm * Washi tape
Apr 11, 2019
17 May is just around the corner and it will soon be time to bring out the finstas. It is also a perfect opportunity to create unique paper decorations for the celebration.
Apr 11, 2019
How about using homemade butterflies as decoration for all spring celebrations? Check out the detailed procedure here.
Apr 10, 2019
Paper masks are great fun and easy to make. Here you will find the procedure for how to make a mask shaped like a hare.
Apr 05, 2019
Make nice plant hangers - or ampels as they are actually called - for your green plants! Here you will find a simple recipe on how to make your own.